Monday, March 5, 2018

Term 2 Exam

Dear students,
Please download the file from the link below for Practical Exam.

Computing Practical Activity - Term 2 Exam

Wish you best of Luck

Ms. Zeenat

Monday, February 12, 2018

Beginning with html

Time for Activities: 15 minutes
Go back to nearpod at Reflection Time

Task 1
  1. Open notepad.
  2. Write an html program to create a webpage with
    • Web page Title = My School (You may choose a different title)
    • The main heading = Your School's Name  (You may choose a different heading)
  3. Save the file as an html program.
  4. Open file in a browser.
       Syntax guidelines:
 Task 2

    1. Open your file again.
    2. Add a background color to your webpage.
    3. Save the file again. (Only Control+S)
    4. Open your webpage again or refresh the same tab.
                        Syntax ----->

    If you finish your task and there are still 5 minutes in Reflection to start;

    Show heading in the centre >>>>>  How to do it?

    Challenge (Check if you have 10 minutes in Reflection to start):

    1. Open the same file in html.
    2.  Add an image to your web page. 
    3. open file in a browser to see the output.
                      Link to the Learning Resource ----->  how to add an image

    Extended Task:

    1.  Add video to your web page. 
    2. open file in a browser to see the output.

        • Use this syntax in <body>

                                     <source src="video filename with extension" type="video/mp4"
        • html program and video must be in the same folder.

    Thursday, January 25, 2018

    Program Errors

    LINK  to HTML files


    Proceed after completing your task of identifying and rectifying errors in given program.

    Monday, October 9, 2017


    Dear students,
    Please use the following links to revise the basic structure of a computer system.

    Sunday, October 1, 2017

    Chapter 2- Think Like a Computer Scientist (Part B)


    Students will be able to
    • Identify patterns in given data and give a hypothesis.
    • Describe the steps of reaching to a solution of a problem.


    Read Page 21, 22, 23 from Textbook.
    Take this Quiz Pattern Identification

    Tuesday, September 19, 2017

    Chapter 2 - Think like a computer Scientist (Part A)

    Students will be able to

    • Define an Algorithm
    • Decompose a given problem into smaller units.


    1. Algorithm Video 1
    2. Algorithm Video 2
    3. Decomposition Video
    4. Decomposing a movie making task


    Task 1: Critical Thinking Task for exploring Algorithm
    Watch the algorithm videos 1 and 2, discuss in group and answer the following Questions;

    • Is it possible to write more than one different algorithms for solving a problem? 
    • If your answer is no, explain why? If your answer is yes, explain how can you prefer one algorithm over another?
    Task 2:
    Watch the video for understanding decomposition and decompose the following problems in more than 3 smaller parts.
    1. Arrange a dinner at home.
    2. Writing times table of a number up to 10.
    Task 3:
    Watch the video for decomposition (Resource 3), discuss in group and answer the following critical thinking questions;
    1. Can all the smaller units of a decomposed problem be solved simultaneously?
    2. analyze the role of decomposing a problem and explain how it helps in solving a problem.
    Task 4:
    Observe the following images carefully, think critically and answer the following Questions.

    1. Which one is the shortest or quickest algorithm?
    2. Will the shortest algorithm be the best in all situations? Justify your answer.

    Task 5:

    1. Are Red and Pink algorithms solving the same problem? Explain your answer.

    Task 6:

    1. Write one situation for each algorithm to be the best fit.